Water Quality at the End of Your Dock
Have you wondered what is happening to the water quality of the lake in front of your place? Do you have a moss like growth (Cladophora) on your lake bottom? Have you experienced algae blooms along your lake shore? Do you seem to have more weeds around your dock than previous years? All these are related to the amount of phosphorous in the water along your lake shore.
If you are a GCOLA member and would like to measure this water quality factor, you must join our End-of-Dock Water Quality program. The program is designed to make participation easy for both seasonal and permanent residents. Sample bottles and postage paid mailing boxes will be sent to participants. Water samples will be collected in June, July and August in order to determine if the amount of phosphorous changes over the summer. The participant will collect a water sample from the end of the dock and mail the sample to AW Research Laboratories located in Brainerd. In the fall, a report of the analysis will be sent to the participant. The results from all participants will be reported the GCOLA Newsletter. It is hoped that each lake in the chain will be represented in this program. If you are interested, send an email to me (Robert Eliason) at gcola.endofdock@gmail.com and include your name, mailing address, and lake address.
2023 EoD trend monitoring results: