Watch this page for the latest information on Aquatic Invasive Species (A.I.S.)
Cass County AIS partnered with LeSeuer and several other counties to fund the making of this AIS video focused on lake shore owners with special mention of 21 day dry rule for docks and lifts.
How to Clean Docks, Lifts, Swim Rafts, and Other Associated Equipment.
Click here for the PDF
Click here to read how your lake association monitors A.I.S. at 23 locations on the lake chain.
Protect Your Waters (MN DNR website)
Prevent the transport of zebra mussels, Starry Stonewort, Curly-leaf pondweed, Eurasian watermilfoil and other aquatic invasive species (AIS). Invasive species are species that are not native to Minnesota and cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.
Minnesota waters are threatened by aquatic invasive species. It is illegal to transport any aquatic plants, zebra mussels, New Zealand mudsnails or other prohibited invasive species, or to launch a boat or trailer with these species attached.
Designated infested waters list »
"What Can YOU do to Halt the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)?"
This the third annual variation of this flyer that is designed for lake homeowners. It has been quite popular for websites, newsletters, and meeting handouts.
To Download a PDF of this flyer that you can use to print out copies, click here:
Free AIS Flyer for Lake Association Members
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Information